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An Invention: A type of electromagnetic coil of greater power output
OK allow me to rephrase 1 step at a time so it's easy to understand the questions.  Maybe my mind moved too quick.

1. Magnetic force moves from North to South like the image below.  


Now lets just take your drawing of the top half without the coils.  Just magnets and Iron.  The magnetic flow will be moving counter clockwise.


Now to your other image (just the top).  It seems to show the magnetic stream flowing Clockwise from South to North.


My question is-  that "Magnetic Flux Line", is that the path of the permanent magnets, or the path of the bottom coil's flux?

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RE: An Invention: A type of electromagnetic coil of greater power output - by Jim Mac - 08-30-2023, 06:59 PM

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