Most of the devices contains a transformer of multiple outputs. This transformer often includes its own chassis which can be energized aswell.
Sometimes putting energy into places which we won't normally like mass/chassis/neutrals, minuses creates good opportunity for a device to get overall higher currents. Some of the parts inside, even transistors can be energized by induction. This effect I obtained in the past by wrapping a phase-live insulated! wire around. This always had something in it. For unknown reasons metal parts of a device wasn't sometimes able to be powered by typical magnets - somehow the magnetism was too stable. Makin an electromagnet was much better, the core was also cheaper. Often if you have a ferrite core giving there low amount of AC voltage or connecting it galvanically into chassis or neutral was always better than putting there magnets. Don't know why...
Still, giving another simple circuit addons between a trafo and a board, sometimes simple, just like another connection to BR had something onto overall power. This trick is less known than expanding a filter (mounting more electrolytic caps.). Sometimes I was putting fat universal caps between energized chassis and places on a board of my device which was often just a radio...
Giving transformer and making a device massful was helpful too. Sometimes the connection looka kind a nonsense like step-down-step-down-kapanadze coil-then output together.
But all and all overunity was possible even on old parts that I used.
Given file is just a theory that can be exchange into something workable.
ByeBye! Dxer.
Sometimes putting energy into places which we won't normally like mass/chassis/neutrals, minuses creates good opportunity for a device to get overall higher currents. Some of the parts inside, even transistors can be energized by induction. This effect I obtained in the past by wrapping a phase-live insulated! wire around. This always had something in it. For unknown reasons metal parts of a device wasn't sometimes able to be powered by typical magnets - somehow the magnetism was too stable. Makin an electromagnet was much better, the core was also cheaper. Often if you have a ferrite core giving there low amount of AC voltage or connecting it galvanically into chassis or neutral was always better than putting there magnets. Don't know why...
Still, giving another simple circuit addons between a trafo and a board, sometimes simple, just like another connection to BR had something onto overall power. This trick is less known than expanding a filter (mounting more electrolytic caps.). Sometimes I was putting fat universal caps between energized chassis and places on a board of my device which was often just a radio...
Giving transformer and making a device massful was helpful too. Sometimes the connection looka kind a nonsense like step-down-step-down-kapanadze coil-then output together.
But all and all overunity was possible even on old parts that I used.
Given file is just a theory that can be exchange into something workable.
ByeBye! Dxer.