12-16-2024, 02:20 PM
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New Magnetic Properties
12-16-2024, 09:59 PM
(12-16-2024, 01:00 PM)whitelightningwizard Wrote:Hi WLW.(12-16-2024, 08:26 AM)Sandy Wrote: Hello MerLynn. Thanks for sharing information here. I tried to make a desalination joe cell from these videos before i came across this thread and failed to get any results. I want a cell to clean salty groundwater for irrigation of a very small market garden in a small coastal town in Tasmania. I emailed you and Peter Stevens seeking such a cell but never got a response (which is fair enough!) I have a question that i have tried to answer myself but it remains a mystery to me. Do you have any idea why welcome rain induces a strong growth response in unfertilised plants, when the same rainwater stored in a stainless steel or plastic tank and applied as irrigation water does not initiate a growth response? And if I may ask another question about Joe's inline cells, do you know if anyone other than Joe ever built a working cell for desalination? Thanks and kind regards, Sandy. Thanks for the reply. Regarding the left hand spin of rainfall, do you think that this a mechanical action that can be artificially reproduced in an irrigation system? I have observed to my satisfaction in my experiments that rainfall enables plants to perform transmutation/synthesis of air and water elements into NPK. I've done quite a lot of work trying to figure it out and without success. Rain is always better than irrigation! Regarding Joe cell for desalination. Can the treated water be tested by me with an EC meter? And would I be capable of operating the cell if Joe decided to make one (or two) for me? I want to be able to more successfully irrigate my own garden with treated salty water (SAR 10) and grow a small market garden on a neighbours' property ( less than half acre ) successfully irrigated with treated salty water. If I figured out the artificial rainfall tech, I may try to sell units to a few farmers that i know. I currently use salty water for irrigation with some success, but i rely on some timely summer rainfall invigorate the crops. Those are my ambitions! Kind regards, Sandy.
12-17-2024, 03:35 PM
hi Sandy,
I do know Joe personally, MerLynn arranged our introduction. I don't have all the answers, but can offer an opinion. For 30+ years nobody can test the water charged in Joe's cells. Water holds 'memory' of everything it touches. Cheers, WLW
01-08-2025, 06:53 PM
The green card shows the Field Changing. I thought about how one can actually visualize what is happening with Neutral Plate Technology and ring magnets. Here is a post made from another forum. Virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields. a Fire Fire Battery. Make no mistake about it, they know what they are doing. Its not about the god particle, nor a black hole, Its about a connection to the Aether. They have known what they are doing since Tesla science was over taken by Einstein science. It appears to be working still. CERN is 2 counter rotating magnetic Fields. It is an Infinity Loop of 2 virtual rotating magnetic Fields ....... sharing a 'medium'. Wind in this case (again) It is what Tesla said was Vital for everything for all of existence. They are looking for 'something alive and new'. And they arent telling you anything really for the shekels forked out for this thing. There are a number of ways to make this type of Fire Fire battery. Like all the other 2 dis-similar elemental batteries, its Elements are Fire but the shared .medium, can be Water or Earth if its wires rather than Wind at CERN. Each methodoly has its own unique ways of utilizing the energy 'produced'. Mostly the energy isnt to replace coal or nuclear, but to see what it can be used for. They Fire CERN up and mathematically smash about a dozen particles head on. And thats on a good day. Like HAARP, CERN takes a nuke power plant to turn it on and a few atomized electrons to show for it. That's if they find the pieces. Radio, microwave, 'particles' in an accelerator are all just vibrations from an antenna. The 'bullet' theory of the electron, is a cover story. These vibrations do have an 'origin point' and so 'appear' to travel in one direction. But for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, and this can be like an echo effect in the tube of CERN. Then in the other direction, the other antenna at CERN sending off vibrations with its opposite and equal effect. Its actually, 2 infinity loops like our blood circulatory system. Well we certainly aint going to build a mini cern. But you get the idea of a virtual rotating magnetic Field as some sort of visualization in your minds eye. I have built 2 but for another purpose than carbon energy replacement when creating a Virtual Neutral Centre. The idea, can be adapted to a coil(s) on either side of mono pole ring magnets creating a Static Generator or with transformer coils. Visualize this; we have 2 leads from a car battery. (a Magnet is a 'battery' or a Lump of Electricity as well as a Fire Stick for other design inspirations) Lets look at one wire coming from the alligator clip on one the battery post. We take this wire and split it into 2 Phases or make it a Y so now 2 wires coming from the onre battery post. This Y is 'key'. These 2 ends of the Y are attached to the ends of a wire wound as a COIL. So it sorta looks like an incandescent Light Filament except its starts out as 1 wire. We now do this same split and add in a coil from the other Battery terminal. We now have 2 Infinity Loops or Coils to play with and place around things with the battery supplying the vibrations. A Hard wired CERN These Coils will interact with each other and other coils by inductance and even with magnets. A Magnet is a Lump of Electricity. A Fire Stick. When 2 magnets touch each other you may see a 'spark'. Amplify that sparking ability by joining 2 North Poles together with a washer inbetween and something may happen in the Coils. I hope that doesn't make sense. You are trying to make Fire. Fire appears between to dis-similar Vibrating sources. The purpose of two virtual Rotating Fields is to create the Neutral Centre Point or connection to the Aether so Non Hertzian energy can flow from. It can be used in situ or transported out via a collector coil. This is easier and less material expensive and no moving parts. The multi or 3 phase smart drive motor creates this neutral Centre with 2 physical Rotating arrays of Field Coils. Its an Earth Earth battery.Every single thing in this universe represents a CELL. It has the magnetic Field Toroidal shape going through its 'mass' which consists entirely of magnetic Light of a certain frequency we call 'elements'. This is the 'shape' of all Fields that is evident as iron filings around a magnet. Joining these two Toroidal Fields together with a washer creates this infinity Loop. Now I will probably have the Navy knock on my door. Conversely, the wires from the battery can be silver and these 2 coils be woven into a magic carpet ride if the battery is double negative to repel the earth like hydrogen is repelled. (theres only 2 forces attraction and repulsion. Compression and expansion.) This ls known as Anti Gravity or Gravionic Propulsion This is how the scientists at CERN would talk over coffee. The scientists in Military Labs of he US Navy would call it, Everything ......... can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. My 'source' said they understand the Tetrahedron of 6 light structures as the 'atom' or the mechanical Field of Light. They really dont want you to know. Your govt loves you. Energy is spin and speed squared not Frequency and Vibration said Einstein. Not to be more specific as to what is happening in the washer Now that I have introduced some new 'designs' and conceptual ideas, we can look at what we have done with 2 Virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields. I was 'explained' the Concept of Same Pole Technology 'mathematically' and you can read it at mooker.com Joe showed how to make 2 Virtual Rotating Fields Sharing the Same 'medium' to produce usable energy. When we look at the iron filings Field Construct of a magnet we see what Tesla saw as a Field going in the top and out the bottom and looping around. Its a figure 8 but on its side as an Infinity Loop. Important to note again. It goes in (compression implosion) at the top or North and Expands out the Bottom. So when this Virtual infinity loop of a magnet is placed against another and the same North Poles share the Medium of an Iron Washer, These 2 Loops combine into One New Field. There is IMPLOSIVE Forces where the 2 North Poles 'physically' meet as a POINT of Neutral Centre. This new Field Effect is evidenced by a 4 fold increase of Gauss and the green card is totally different than if they are placed the normal way. A totally different Field Pattern. We have 2 virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields all in one Field or 'mass' using a washer as the joining medium. All 3 components are iron. Note. Never use Neo Magnets for anything but 'electrical' power for things like appliances. Neo's kill life. you dont wanna be drinking them vibes. This Field Pattern is increased because the Vibrations are Added to each other rather than harmonize with each other. 1+1=1 standard joining of magnets for no change in Field Effects or 1+1=2. as in joining same poles for a new Field. This is better than Terrance Howard who only plays lip service to Tesla, Keely and Russell. This Twin magnetic Field is the virtual Infinity Loop to draw energy from the Aether if another Field activates it or theres a way it can be used (by a coil or transmuting the elements ie make oil from water) To place this mono pole twin infinity Loop Field around a water pipe, and have the water flowing in the pipe with a Left Hand spin, fulfills the requirements that Aetheric energy is available with Spinning water being spinning squillions of magnets for the Second Rotating Field. This is the construction of the Magnetic In Line Cell to turn sea water into zero ppm ultimate plant boosting waters and until you've experienced this Elixir you just aint lived. It takes a nuclear power Plant in Saudi Arabia to do the same de-sal volume. This is using the Energy in situ. The part I left out is how to 'focus' the zero point Neutral Centre from the washer to the centre of the water flow. Tell me what happens when slipping a ring magnet off or on the ends of a pipe? Duplicate that effect. Now that the water mains going into your house has this In line Cell to clean everything out of the Health commissions tests for, you have magnetic Water to make electricity by attaching a wire to a ring magnet and slipping over the mains. We tried to give one to Prince Kareem of Dubai in the back yard while a helicopter flew over head. Protocol says you cant give the Prince anything without an official reason. Really diplomatic stuff, but it killed the deal. He probably wanted to continue living too.
01-14-2025, 07:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-14-2025, 07:04 AM by unimmortal.)
Thank you Merlynn, although I know you've left a few pertinent details out - there's more than enough there to learn how to ask my next lot of questions Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images.
Incidentally - is the neutral washer resonating with the earths field? The reason behind the flux field changing strengths/direction depending on time of day? This was something that was noted with Floyd Sweets VTA as well - certain times of the day would see a drop for no readily explainable reason.
01-14-2025, 12:46 PM
(01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: I thought about how one can actually visualize what is happening with neutral plate technology and ring magnets. Lynn, My interest is resoundingly piqued. Eager to experiment with further guidance. Tomorrow my two 12V/7Ah SLA batteries arrive. Today I have my two 12.8V/6Ah LiFePO4 batteries, a dead (~5V) 12V/19aH/250cca gel battery, a 9V/500mAh battery, my 4.5V/500mA Sony wall-wart you recommended, a 120V/3A adjustable switching regulated DC linear power supply, and also 24V/14.6A, 36V/16.6A, & 72V/8.3A power supplies as well. Where do you recommend acquiring appropriate iron washers? Are steel washers viable in these experiments? For now I have only copper washers.
01-16-2025, 01:34 AM
(01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: I thought about how one can actually visualize what is happening with neutral plate technology and ring magnets. Success. Infinity loop created. This twin magnetic field/virtual infinity loop is what we are to draw energy from. Specifically mentioned we draw energy from this only if another field activates it. How do we activate our SN|NS cell? Perhaps this is activated by another infinity loop with the comparison above to our blood circulatory system? What is a good way you feel this is to be used in situ? To transport energy out of our SN|NS cell with a collector coil is best performed with what configuration? I unsuccessfully attempted first to transport energy out of our SN|NS cell with an insulated iron wire collector coil wrapped a few times around the entire cell. I also unsuccessfully attempted to transport energy out of our SN|NS cell with insulated iron wire wrapped around each magnet. In both of these unsuccessful attempts to draw energy out I used a 3V 20mA tiny red LED. Perhaps I need to attempt to extract energy out of the middle steel washer instead? Please anyone with an idea, mention a winding configuration and wire hookup to load I should give a go and I will try it. Lynn, you have expressed extreme disdain with modern digital measuring equipment during experimentation so I have chosen to use the LED as an indicator of energy present within our cell. How do you feel about analog mA meters and analog V meters? Do you have a recommended way to test for present usable energy, Lynn? (01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: We have two leads from a car battery. Let's look at one wire coming from the alligator clip on one of the battery posts. We take this wire and split it into two phases or make it a Y so now two wires are coming from the one battery post. This Y is key. Success. Battery Y arms created. In this experiment I am using a 12V 7aH sealed lead acid battery. (01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: These two ends of the Y are attached to the ends of a wire wound as a coil. Is it best to use a pancake coil? Is using insulated iron wire wrapped around a spool recommended? (01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: Now do this same split and add in a coil from the other battery terminal. We now have two infinity loops or coils to play with and place around things with the battery supplying the vibrations. These coils will interact with each other and other coils by inductance and even with magnets. The two coils I am using are resonant with each other yet I am noticing no interaction with magnets or each other. (01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: When this virtual infinity loop of a magnet is placed against another and the same North poles share the medium of an iron washer these two loops combine into one new field. (01-08-2025, 06:53 PM)MerLynn Wrote: To place this mono pole twin infinity loop field around a water pipe, and have the water flowing in the pipe with a left hand spin fulfills the requirements that aetheric energy is available, with spinning water being spinning squillions of magnets for the second rotating field. Before it has been mentioned that seven SN|NS rings are ideal. A zero-impedence caduceus coil was discussed previously as well. Perhaps spinning water is what activates our SN|NS cell?
01-24-2025, 11:59 AM
MerLynn, can you help?
Topic: cutting a proper, North Pole biased, mild steel washer - how to?
Apparently, cutting washers is not a simple task. My first attempt was unsuccessful. Washers were cut with jet nozzle distances from cut material 3mm and 6mm. Rust appeared on all washers within 2 hours - unfortunately both settings, 3mm and 6mm, imparted Positive (South Pole) Field. 1. What are the methods, without using a 3rd eye, to determine magnetic bias of the washer? To answer myself - one method is to wait couple of hours and check if washer rusts. However, it would be extremely useful to be able to determine magnetic bias right after cutting process, being still in the workshop. Dowsing? Anything else? 2. What is "the right" distance between nozzle and cut plate? Does different water pressure and nozzle diameter determine the imparted field? I guess so. There is quite a number of variables to take care of. And we didn't talk about washer geometry related to ring magnets yet ;-) Does anybody managed to properly cut washers (besides Merlynn)? If so, would you mind sharing your experience? Photos: 1 - difference between (unsuccessful) NN (top) and regular NS (bottom) is still significant 2 - action! water jet cutting |
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