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Reversing Lenz Project
Notice- This Thread is NOT for posting videos or ideas of other ways to reverse Lenz.  This thread is to BUILD and DISECT "THIS METHOD PRESENTED"..  If you have other ideas, methods, etc start a new topic-  

I haven't posted in a bit because I've been busy with this new strategy.  It is highly related to other topics being discussed here but has a hidden twist.  I have verified it with my scope and it reverses Lenz Drag so induction assists motion on BOTH approach and departure.

I will start slow explaining it.  It is quite simple to understand, but it has to get through to see it.

First and Obvious-  In a regular Generator-  when a magnet is APPROACHING, the magnetic field is GROWING.  And when the magnet is DEPARTING, the Magnetic Field is SHRINKING.  This causes Lenz Drag..

Now what if we reversed it so a magnetic field is SHRINKING on Approach and GROWING on Exit?  The coil thinks the magnet going away when it is actually coming in, and thinks it is coming in when it is actually leaving!  So the drag ASSISTS motion in and out..

So HOW so make this happen?

FIRST, understand what I am about to show..

1.  When ferrous material is between 2 magnetic polarities, the metal is neutralized with No Magnetic Field.  Perfectly Balanced.


2. When the metal is over the SOUTH side of a magnet, the metal turns SOUTH.


3. Likewise, when metal is over the NORTH Side of a magnet, the metal turns NORTH.  



Keep the magnet stationary and reciprocate the bolt back and forth over the magnet. The bolt is now going SOUTH / NEUTRAL / NORTH / NEUTRAL/ Repeating.  

Now The Special Sauce!

Align an induction coil Dead Center of the magnet at the Blotch Wall..  


Now reciprocate the bolt back and forth..  What happens?  

Answer-  We reversed it as discussed earlier!  

The bolt has a strong magnetic field as it is furthest away.  As the bolt approaches, the magnetic field in the bolt WEAKENS. And when the bolt leaves Top Dead Center to the other side, the Magnetic Field in the bolt STRENGTHENS on Departure....

So the bolt is the magnet.  the coil thinks the "magnet" is coming IN when it is going away, and the coil thinks the "magnet" is going away as it is coming in!

There is no reason it needs to be reciprocation, as rotation will probably work better, but I chose reciprocation to explain in this post.  

I have verified the wave reversal on my scope.  I am currently working on best alignments and methods before I run a test with coils..  Currently I am working on determining what geometry and materials results in the most magnetic force in the ferrous material with the least cogging.  Once I am happy with the results, I will add the coils.


I encourage others to work on this approach.  And I invite other builders to share their progress and findings here.
Some may think:  OK so the magnetic strength is increasing as the metal moves further away. But it would equal out because the magnetic strength it gains is equal to the loss due to distance.  

This IS NOT The Case..

Allow me to quote '

Quote:"With respect to distance, magnetic force follows an inverse square law. The magnetic force equation is identical to Coulomb's law (if you are familiar with it). The important thing to remember is that force is inversely proportional to distance squared (i.e. it obeys an inverse square law with distance)."

Basically Magnetic Strength is NOT Linear with Distance.  1 unit of distance does NOT mean 1 unit of magnetic change.  

Here is a little chart to visualize it.


As the metal is moving away, the Magnetic Strength increases More Rapidly the closer to the magnetic pole it gets. The magnetic strength Loss and Gain outpaces the distance, ensuring the coil sees magnetic change opposite to the motion.
Cool idea. I've worked through a lot of configurations on my Axial including this one (but different), and the bolt proxy needs to be a fairly thin slug to transfer max flux to the coil as it moves either side of the bloch wall. I've had a 40mm bolt between mag and coil, and the flux transfer was woeful.

I guess a scope will help show up the optimum transistion of the field based on how close the mag is to the coil.
(06-19-2024, 09:55 PM)unimmortal Wrote: Cool idea. I've worked through a lot of configurations on my Axial including this one (but different), and the bolt proxy needs to be a fairly thin slug to transfer max flux to the coil as it moves either side of the bloch wall. I've had a 40mm bolt between mag and coil, and the flux transfer was woeful.

I guess a scope will help show up the optimum transistion of the field based on how close the mag is to the coil.

True..  Output is something to consider.

One prototype in the pic above is using ferrite toroid's.  While hand spinning and holding the coil I can get up to 275 Millivolts open circuit and maybe 10-15 milliamps  shorted.  If it was spinning at 3000 RPM and had a proper mounted coil, I we should be able to see many times that per coil.  

That build had 6 large neo's, so I could potentially use 6 coils.  But if it truly reverses Lenz like I think, it would create a positive feedback loop, every ounce of output would aid in greater rotation, which equals more output, leading to greater rotation, repeating.
(06-19-2024, 09:55 PM)unimmortal Wrote: I've worked through a lot of configurations on my Axial including this one 

How did you configure it?  Don't the magnets spin on your axial?  Magnets moving past stationary metal is opposite from metal moving past stationary magnets.
The Build So Far.  

This reminds me of the kromrey generator very interesting I want to know if this will speed up under load great work guys
(06-22-2024, 11:53 AM)Brandon Slade Wrote: This reminds me of the kromrey generator very interesting I want to know if this will speed up under load great work guys

Welcome Brandon..

I will definitely be finding out..  My video above did not show this part at the angle I was filming and it already spurred a question  "What spins the Metal"..

Under the contraption is a mounted motor.  The rotor connects directly to the motor shaft.  So I can watch Input Current in hopes we can witness Lower Input Amperage when we connect a load to the output.

That's a cool idea Jim. I'm starting to get the repulsion ideas when it's leaving the coil. I don't yet get why it will be attrating on its way in. I'm gussing on entering the coil, the strong north that is decreasing will encounter an initial strong north in the coil that will decrease as the metal reaches the center of the coil. I'm not seeing how that attracts. Sounds like it may repel to me.

Interesting in seeing this build continue.
(06-23-2024, 02:09 AM)MagnaProp Wrote:  I don't yet get why it will be attracting on its way in. I'm guessing on entering the coil, the strong north that is decreasing will encounter an initial strong north in the coil that will decrease as the metal reaches the center of the coil. 

Interesting in seeing this build continue.

During the entering stage (causing the magnetic field collapse)   The coil is far enough from the center of the magnet to barely notice any of the rotor's field growing to TDC of the magnet. Whatever it does notice will be filtered out with a diode.  So none of the initial growing field will influence the rotor. Then as the rotor approaches TDC of the coil, that field in the rotor is dropping according to the reverse square law. 

" that is decreasing will encounter an initial strong north in the coil that will decrease as the metal reaches the center of the coil"

A coil's induced current is not linear with distance. You can verify by using your function generator to create a positive biased sinewave and feeding it into a transformer.  Scope the input and output.  You should notice Single polarity wave coming IN, and a full 2 polarity sinewave coming out.  

Although I do agree at this point the majority of the advantage will probably be on the going out field growing. 

Think of this:  Growing North = Shrinking South  and Growing South = Shrinking North.  The coil has no care what side the bias charge is on, only if it is growing or shrinking.  And the output current is only dependent on the amount of magnetic change.

Test-  Hook a coil to your scope.  Take a magnet and Push the north field IN.  Observe the direction of the current.  Now flip the magnet so South is facing the coil and Pull the South Away.  You will notice pulling away produces the exact same way current with equal intensity between both tests.

Overall, you may have a point that the incoming may do little to nothing in aiding us.  Even so, all current that hurts rotation can be filtered out with a simple diode.

I am close to testing stage, but now my work week starts. But soon I will have more

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