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Faraday Cage
Yes please update if possible
maybe 3 people asking for update will bring Merlynn back? please do
2 weeks ago I returned from Joe's.
I have a new device to build and it may take a while.
I learned more about the smart drive motor.
What I was shown i cannot reveal. But when I sat down and he showed me the latest inventions his first question was 'what is a static generator'. I replied 'one with no moving parts'
the LG motor does not need to rotate if the right 'lights' are used after modification. that is all I can 'led' say
Joe was 'lucky' when he did this years ago with the choice or the finding of a unique smart motor and its 'talking to' other motors that were unique. (voltage rating being 320 for both)
The replication is not as simple as I made it out unless your scrap motor find is made in the UK.
I had never been cautioned by Joe this way before about not writing anything about this project.
Which means, nothing until its finished if ever.
I feel Field Science is more for the Alchemists of the world. Where healing and transmutations are more important to humanity than over unity.
The nature of Electricity as Vibrational Energy may take another decade for the inventors to understand what it is they are making.
The 'feds' are on our tail and we are going quiet.
more at

(09-16-2024, 05:00 PM)MerLynn Wrote: For those who actually want to 'play' with this technology, send me a PM for how this is done.

I found Field Science, things you write about fascinating. Thanks for sharing.

I have sent you a PM and received no response so far. Looks like there are more folks in limbo, hoping to get further instructions. Your post above doesn't clarify if you intend to provide more info via private messages still.
Merlynn, are you going to provide more info regarding connecting batteries in series or we should forget about your kind offer?
What I have presented is the correct Physics of the Universe. The nature of the Atomic Structure at its smallest indivisible structure.
The nature of 'electricity' being vibrations should be of interest to over unity people.
It is the 'science' that Tesla invented from.
Within these parameters of NEW understanding, it is possible to 'harvest' or produce electricity from a variety of methodologies.
This TRUTH has NOT been presented for many 1000's of years.
It took me 20 years to understand these principles and I doubt if anyone here actually understands what it is I have given.
There are dark forces that do not want this info to gain traction. For now I have about 2 weeks of farm work and some other projects that need to be done.
Basically I have finished presenting what you need to learn to UNLEARN the false theories that is the SINGLE reason people cannot make overunity or even understand a battery. This monumental work should have been the basis for a Nobel Prize for Tesla but we live on a slave planet and they do not allow salves to have free energy and many have died trying to give you this. We are still here because its obtuse.
Use iron instead of copper wires.
The cores of coils are LAMINATED iron instead of solid iron cores. This is to STOP eddy currents but its the creation of eddy currents that MAKE electricity. THEIR very science of transformers KEEPS you from making more by telling you you need to use laminated cores. Copper generates HEAT, its south pole energy, Iron is north pole energy. Look at the baghdad battery again. Understand the 2 way flow of the vibrations between the 2 terminals of this baghdad battery. NO ONE considers this yet they want more of this.
Stop thinking in terms of particles or some 'tangible' thing that you want more of. Its only VIBRATIONS.
Until you make the connection in your minds eye what it is that constitutes MATTER we think of as a solid object, that is its only vibrations that are reactive to other vibrations can this madness stop.
It may well be xmass before this can be presented in a manual like presentation.

Water has Memory. It remembers the vibrations within it's crystalline structure. A cold fusion battery has the waters vibrations 'changed' or increased to be more reactive to its surrounds and will 'energize any antenna immersed in it.
WELL a LUMP of aluminium is like a solid lump of WATER, It can vibrate iron wires to make a solid battery.
A Battery will provide the Charge Up of vibrations to make water or aluminium a new kind of 'battery' that has no moving parts.
I just cannot give what it is you need to unlearn, this awakening, like the satanic world around you that controls your every thought, you have to wake up to yourself.
Tesla's FIRST GREATEST THRILL was his discovery of the Rotating Magnetic Field that constitutes the human body and is in the Ferrite Magnet we all want to spin but havent a clue as to what is it, or what it means. A magnet is a lump of electricity and getting it out without spinning it is real over unity. Static Generator.
When you finally GET IT, it will give YOU like it did ME, a thrill that you finally understand what it is that makes things ALIVE and tangible to the touch.
Then you are ready to make this 'energy format' in many ways.
It is more than just 'fascinating'. Its the stuff of your future.
It will be the science your grandkids will be taught if they arent vaxxed.
enough ramblings, I have work to do.
Has anyone made hard copies of this presentation?
thank you for the updates.

And yes I print your teachings.

Question. What is creating the smallest structure, 'the magnetic light bar'? If I want to program it, I am 'informing' the neutral center, right?

The 'tangibility' is intriguing me. In the Rotating Magnetic Field thread you wrote that the Neutral Center is the attachment point to the Aether, within anything in the physical world. And that it is this silver cord that makes Life animated. What changed in your understanding?
Question. What is creating the smallest structure, 'the magnetic light bar'? If I want to program it, I am 'informing' the neutral center, right?

The 'tangibility' is intriguing me. In the Rotating Magnetic Field thread you wrote that the Neutral Center is the attachment point to the Aether, within anything in the physical world. And that it is this silver cord that makes Life animated. What changed in your understanding?

Aristotle described the Quintessence or the Aether as "planes" of 'energy'' This gives the Aether 'grid points'. a 3D like tapestry of the fabric of space. Think of it as a Rubics Cube like design. This Aether is the 'energy' circuit board that 'matter' can FORM on. Matter being Still Light. Our Universe is 3 of 8. the others are 'built' with a different format. I got this from a shapeshifting Man In Black. At this time I cant elaborate any further. But all historical writings confirm this Aether Grid format.

Matter then comes from Light Structures that exist like 'electricity' does in a circuit board. Light manifests from the Aether first when there is a "need" for it as 'something grows' plants or humans. This is hard to explain until you have personally experienced an Aether Generator. The 'light bulbs' at the Dendera Temple are Aetheric Energy Generators. Their size indicates the 2 of them would power a whole civilization. They can only be touched by hands and the head as also shown in the stone reliefs. Joe has built many of them. They have 'miraculous' healing effects if held in the hands correctly and touched on the body in a very careful technique. I have done this many times and at 70 years old I just baled hay all night last nite and will do it again like I was 30 years old again the next 3 nites. The water JoeCell also generates Aetheric energy like his Vacuum Tubes which is what the Dendera 'bulbs' are. The Key to the JoeCell TubeCell is that it creates a New Neutral Centre when 'powered up' with a battery if it is magnetically aligned or a Unified Field. Our body is a Unified Field where every cell acts in Unison with each other Cell

So we know that there are 2 kinds of 'energy' in our universe. Aetheric or the invisible and Vibrating Light crystals which are 'physical'. Ive dealt with the Physical by using Tesla's Energy, frequency and Vibrations treaty of what AC and DC actually IS. Creating MORE vibrations (over unity) is a RESONANCE effect of COILS. The Tesla Coil.

Creating Aetheric Over Unity is to create a New Neutral Centre for this 'energy' to come forth or as the conduit between the Invisible Grid and physical matter. Aetheric energy is very 'similar' to battery DC but without vibration frequency or Non Hertzian or Scalar. It will power anything that a battery 'powers' or even AC powers given AC is the same as starting and stopping the battery connection 50 times a second.

Lets take the Sun. It has a Neutral Center approx 3 meters in diameter. Our human body's Neutral Centre is a 'pin point' in size. literally too small to measure but it does the job. The Sun gets its 'energy' from its Neutral Centre and it 'animates' with Scalar energy its physical conglomerate. We see this animation as radiation or Sun Light as Lightning that we see in most thunderstorms. We see it in the Human as the Aura. The surface of the sun is very COOL. The atmosphere is constantly in a state thunderstorm activity but without any 'rain'. Its a Lightnig Show only. Sun spots are where there's a break in the clouds so to speak and 'other' energies escape the sun as a coronal mass ejection or larger bits of matter than the pure Light from 'electrical discharges'. This make the Sun ALIVE.

For matter to exist it must have a connection to the Aether and all lumps of matter have this connection. Its what 'powers' our body created from the 2 rotating magnetic Blood flows. This 'overlay' of rotating Fields makes us alive but a 'rock' 'dead' even though the rock has a Neutral Centre but no rotating field about its 'lump' but the rock does have a Field Pattern or wave form from its construct of magnetic Light structures JUST like the iron filings around the magnet but too weak to detect. (Tesla's first greatest discovery thats Vital for anything to 'exist'.)

Technically speaking, the Light Structures that comprise of everything physical was mass produced at the Creation Event of our universe and 'stored' within the Aether grid. As per Walter Russell, without the Conscious Mind to literally THINK something into existence there is no creation from the Light Structures. So the Conscious mind can influence any lump of matter be it a rock, a crystal, a human body, (placebo) or a planet or a JoeCell.

When we create a New Neutral Centre with say a LG Motor or a Joe WaterCell, it can be influenced by the MIND to 'preform' what it is we wish to create like oil from water. As per Walter Russell and Reich's 'Y' factor. Joe prefers to make his devices Mind Controlled so they cant be reverse engineered. But they can be 'pre-programmed' to by-pass this Mind control which I hint at from time to time.

So what is creating this 'smallest' structure of 'Light'? It was 'made' by the squintillions by a Race of Beings not of this Universe (MIB) as the building blocks for creation within this universe. To digress beyond comprehension, when the Universe was 'created' everything that is to happen, already happened that is why time travel and seeing the past or future can be 'done' by those who SEE this function of the Universe. The 3rd Eye is our instrument for accessing the Aetheric Grid as in remote viewing or astral travel even visions of the future or memories of the past like Edgar Cayce and his access to the Akashic Records being another term for Heaven, Quintessence or Aetheric Grid. CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is basically good 3rd Eye connection to 'everything' about the Aetheric Grid. Or as Joe says it, God tells me what I need to know when I need to know it. (God being the Aetheric Grid as in 'God in Heaven') Joe can literally access the entire Akashic records on any subject past present or future and now he knows I wrote it down for the first time. This is the 'source' of his 'genius'. Trying to build it on a mud ball planet is the hard part. Some people are born with this Function of our DNA still in working condition. We once called them "Saints". The Pineal Gland being further destroyed by the VAXX (again by satanic Pharmakea) has made it even MORE difficult to rectify this Function of the 3rd Eye. We are the Herd or just an experiment to further experiment with. This is 'rare' in the universe to build a robocop that is outside of the original design parameters of the Aetheric Grid and they come from all over the Universe to see the experimental animals in Earth Zoo. Many 'teachers' have tried over the millennia to enlighten us of 'our' predicament. But 'we' do not have (3rd) Eyes to SEE. Like trying to describe colors to a blind person.

Light from a flame or Lightning discharges, is a vibrational energy at the Atomic level activation or charging up matter like the filament in a bulb. The principle of the Fluorescence Light. (that Tesla invented?) But First there has to be a lump of Matter that is Still Light (the filament) that needs vibrational energy to go from cold, to red to white hot that gives off Light which is the Air Vibrating (Fluoro) in these bulbs. You literally only SEE vibrations and Smell Vibrations with your natural frequency meters. While you SEE the difference between gold and silver, Joe can FEEL the difference blindfolded. It can be 'learnt'. Best to start teaching this from an infant on wards.
Cant teach an old dog new tricks.

These Light Structures are a magnetic 'bar'. This is 'different' to the Light from Vibrational energy, BUT when it goes past white Hot to 'Plasma' the 'matter' or the combining forces of matter disintegrate (burns or vaporizes) releasing the Light structures that make the lump of Matter. The 4th state of Matter, Fire or Plasma light structures. This is the first time I have tried to write this down so it needs 'refining'.

Fire creates Vortexes, This rotational energy becomes Alive for a brief time.

Yes you literally talk to the Neutral Centre or the Conscious 'spark' of creation being its Neutral Centre. Its what makes everything 'connected' to everything else via the 'grid' regardless of distance. As in Telepathy. Knowing how it works is the first step to making it usable or being able to use it. Otherwise the Cell just bubbles away, or the LG spins and does nothing that you thought it could do as per this Bench.

"What changed in your understanding?" I do not understand this question.

Long discourse but its the best I can do. Gotta baler to fix. Asking about 'Light' is asking how the universe actually functions.
Everything is the Light said Tesla.

Tesla, Keely and Russell, the 'rest' are part of the 'great deception' or the Experiment we live in.
thank you for detailed reply. I'm repeatedly drawn to read what your share, almost on a daily basis.

I wonder about what you meant by adding Fire to Fire. Is it a magnet tapped 4 times with a battery to take it to the 4th 'Fire' state?

Above you also mentioned a lump of aluminium can be part of a solid state battery. Is it enough to take it to the 4th state also?

How do my thoughts affect the changing of states with a battery?
(10-19-2024, 06:42 PM)MerLynn Wrote: Update.

I learned more about the smart drive motor.
What I was shown i cannot reveal. But when I sat down and he showed me the latest inventions his first question was 'what is a static generator'. I replied 'one with no moving parts'
the LG motor does not need to rotate if the right 'lights' are used after modification. that is all I can 'led' say
Joe was 'lucky' when he did this years ago with the choice or the finding of a unique smart motor and its 'talking to' other motors that were unique. (voltage rating being 320 for both)
The replication is not as simple as I made it out unless your scrap motor find is made in the UK.
I had never been cautioned by Joe this way before about not writing anything about this project.
Which means, nothing until its finished if ever.


i was disappointed to see the progress in the build slow down...    "   The replication is not as simple as I made it out unless your scrap motor find is made in the UK. "


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