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Multiple Free Energy Technology Systems
(09-19-2024, 06:27 PM)dd_alf Wrote: This is an impressive amount of work that speaks of dedication. I doubt anyone goes though all the details tho, it is a bit overwhelming. Well for me anyway. In regards to your questions asked, particularly this image:
I would argue: the flux always takes the easiest path. Easiness is defined by length of path, material and saturation. In the example drawn I think the flux completely ignores the right part of the toroid, containing the gap. You could not even stick a nail to it. And regardless of the field created by a coil on the toroid core (saturation issues aside) this flux will just ADD to whatever the coil does. It will be a static bias, not affecting the coil in COP, I would assume.

That said, when I was looking at it, I though it would also be a really interesting design if the gap area were on the other side of the torus, right next to the PM. Then one would close the gap frequently with an iron bar that's spun by a small motor. It would force the PM flux to alternate its path, hence inducing AC into 2 coils, sitting on the top and bottom area of the toroid core. The point however is, I see no reason why this little iron bar, that's rotating in the gap, should face any Lenz drag. (except eddy currents, that can be prevented with nonconductive ferromagnetics, or laminates etc.). In any case the gap must be sized correctly, so the secondary fields of the coils (of opposite polarity) will will not make the long path harder, compared to the gap, resulting in the flux jumping the gap, despite the gap-less long path provided. However, I would use Metglas for the toroid, to increase permeability and subsequently the effect.

Hi dd_alf

I want to thank you for your input.  It caused me to draw up a couple of new motor options that otherwise I may never have thought of.  
The first drawing shows a thinner core area parrellel to the permanent magnet that will saturate if flux more than one magnet tries to flow through the area.  The other area's of the toroid core suports the flux of two magnets.  Hopefully then the DC power of the toroid coil is supplied, the permanent magnet will need to reroute through another path.
Also you mentioned moving the gap area.  I moved it but am not using it as you suggested.  I have seen designs simular to what you talked about, so I do not want to duplicate thier work.


Now I miss-read your post at first and I thought you were saying that in the Three Layer Motor design would not move from under the permanent magnets to the electro-magnets, so I changed the tab design for the permanent magnets and toroid coil area's.  After re-reading your post, I realized I was wrong.  But that may have been for the good,


Thank you dd-alf for your input because I may not have taken a closer look at my designs and make these improvements.

I will try to test the flux in the gap area when I get some lab time.

Looking forward to seeing you progress.
I do believe in this idea that electrical circuit including moving parts is better than 'standing' because of the possibility for higher power gain, magnetism there may be used, amplificated and rest parts of the electricity generated backward consumed, flowing back into the machine again... Good look for these is to mount a fan with magnets near a transformer N.S... way. So the transformer is empowered. If right frequency is achieved like 50Hz, the system power will raise. In many qmogens this methos can be used very gladly.

Any coil can be poweed by moving magnets, even simple, small and of low magnetic power - just give several of such in an axial... Then the freq. will reach good point, and as we know most of the coils works better higher frequencies... All and all, any device from the 80's except TV's used moving parts to cool or read memory just as modern ATX utilize. If we are sly enough. We can clip a generator onto fan for high RPM, than we reuse the energy of the motors and may get back with these to power up the whole device. If there are three or four fans we can get hundreds of watts. The only key is to make the right generators... Same was with decks or vinyl players years ago.

It wasn't given because living under spy system, that any of us must agree with.

Still there are people on Earth that remember Net connection via electricity grid. But any energy maniac is not interested in signals, only in power and savings according to connections.
Thank you for your dxer_87 for your input.

I think that we need to work on all areas of free energy.
I personally stay away from things that cause danger to the hobbiest like high voltage.  

I like to include multiple free energy devices into one free energy system.  One example is the drawing below that includes a free energy motor that operates an overunity generators.  Both have moving parts.  


I like to compare physical things that people know about to better explain magnetism in my devices and how they can produce overunity.
The following drawing shows how one door or gate can shut off one flow of water in order to change the sum of water flows of water in several areas.  The sum of the water flows in the system is greater than the change of water flow through one gate of the system.  I believe that you can cause a change of flux flow in one area of the system that can change the flux flow in several other areas of the system.  You have to pay for the electric power for the water pumps but you do not have to pay for the power of the flux coming from the permanent magnets in a system.  You only have to pay for the power to open and close the one door or gate.


Thank you dxer_87 again for input.

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