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Free Energy Is Simple **Moderated**
Hello everyone. I've finally decided to just release this information to the general public. Getting a patent is too expensive for me.

In this zip file I explain how you can make free energy with simple circuitboard components.


This post Broke the Rules of the community as the uploaded file was jammed-packed with the author's religious views and conspiracies.

There was 1 section speaking of free energy which claims a battery, coil, and capacitor can make free energy, which concluded by saying 

"I have not been able to design a circuit which does this. But, someone else out there will be able to do so. "

If the original poster wishes to just paste the Free-Energy parts in this thread for discussion, that is FINE..  But this is NOT the place to preach religious views or much conspiracy talk.  And we frown upon asking members to download a ZIP FILE that contains a simple .txt file.  The "FREE ENERGY" portions of the text file can simply be pasted to the forum without making members download questionable files and sift through pages and pages of unrelated ramblings.

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