Jim McElwee's
Z.E.N Generator
"Zeroing in on Exact Neutralization"
The concept of this generator is extremely simple to grasp and pretty easy to implement and build. It attempts to take advantage of the Clemente Figuera method of utilizing 2 phases, where 1 grows while 1 shrinks to counteract or nullify Back-EMF. Or in this case, eliminate the vast majority of drag on the rotor.
I am going with the physical rotor in this build to eliminate complications of electronic circuits which can change the voltage levels, resistor rigs, and all else. If we convert the input power to physical rotation, then the output coils affect the rotor on a 1:1 basis evenly without any other conversions or hinderances from electronic maneuvering..
To understand the concept, view this graphic and proof it.. I have already built a sloppy test rig and verified this can be achieved.
2 coils that are each twice the size of the passing magnet are overlap at the exact 1/2 way point of each coil. This creates 3 sections that are the exact size of the magnet. Assuming the magnet is south pole orientated in this example, as the magnet is trying to leave the first coil, that coil exhibits a North field which is trying to resist the magnet's motion and not let it leave. At the exact same time, the 2nd coil is trying to repel the magnet and resist it from getting in the the center, and is exhibiting a South Pole. Now the middle section is being affected by 2 opposite fields at the same intensity at the same time. Thus neutralizing the magnetic field that space-time.
This idea is supported by the principle of superposition, a fundamental concept in the field of physics. According to this principle, the net response at a given point in space due to two or more stimuli is the sum of the responses that would have been caused by each stimulus individually.
And when both these coils are wired in series, we get a sinewave which peaks at the dead-center of the 2 overlapping coils where the magnetic field is completely neutralized. And the sum of outpower of these coils wires in series is equal to the sum of output power if it was taken individually.
The argument from traditional understanding will be that the output power will have a power factor of 0 because it is purely reactive, as it is being produced without any input of "Real Work". But is this really the case? Tesla, Meyl, and others disagree. Not to mention the Clemente Figuera device which relies on reactive power.
EDIT-- The Overlapping coil is optimal. There are other ways to achieve a 90 degree phase difference with 2 coils 180 degrees apart. Therefore, overlapping is indeed 1 way, but other configurations may be simplier.