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Jim Mac's Figuera Thread
I also have a hunch it does not need to be this complicated..  I know how to create pretty decent reactance that can reach real amperage levels.  And I know for a fact reactance is absolutely real power, contrary to what they tell us.  I can run lights and motors on reactive power.

I am going out on a limb here, but I think Reactive Power (if one can create and separate it) can be used to create "Real Power". And since reactance power travels the opposite way as "real power", it can be tapped for "real power" again and again, and again.  

I will need to verify this effect on my other setup..  Such an easy setup, I'd be happy to share the recipe..

Edit-  This post started a new page.  Be sure to see the video posted in the last post...  

Merry Christmas Jim
I'm not really clear on the function of the H bridge
I assumed you were talking about a half wave bridge rectifiers
So it's continuously flipping the input?
That in turn creates the oscillation in the choke?
I'm just shorting the DC output through a choke then into diode isolated caps
The caps well exceed input am currently adding more banks
It's really that simple
(12-26-2023, 05:00 AM)Shylo Wrote: Merry Christmas Jim
I'm not really clear on the function of the H bridge
I assumed you were talking about a half wave bridge rectifiers
So it's continuously flipping the input?
That in turn creates the oscillation in the choke?
I'm just shorting the DC output through a choke then into diode isolated caps
The caps well exceed input am currently adding more banks
It's really that simple

Yes I am using 2 polarity flips in a choke.  The duty-cycle must be tuned to match the capacitance of the choke.  All inductors will induce.  If there is no secondary, it will will Self-induct to induce itself.

Usually a choke fed with AC creates impedance.  But it will not flow real amperage back to the source.  But if you delay the top of the wave properly, I have seen the self-induced voltage reach up to 2.5X the positive voltage with respect to ground.  And this is not a phantom back-EMF spike, this has real current.

This return power can be separated with diodes.  And the power can be used to do "real work"..  They say reactive power is useless.  This is a lie..  I can power a motor with regular power, or reactive power by just moving the ground in the circuit.  (Never touching the motor's hot connection).

And this reactive power can be taken from EITHER SIDE.  Here I am taking the reactance as it exit's the negative of a 6V battery, where it is charging a 12V battery from the negative terminal of a 6V battery.

I don't know much about "shorting" and have not experimented with it, so I can not comment on your setup.  But I say- trust your own intuition and do the experiments to confirm it.  Don't believe naysayers when they try to explain it by reciting the textbooks.

Can you replace the battery with a practically purely electrically resistive load and measure the
load's caloric output ?
@Jim, there are 2 very important findings … I have been long looking for such things.

1. 2 polarity flips in a choke.  The duty-cycle must be tuned to match the capacitance of the choke.
We must use pulsed DC, meaning double the output power, not pulsed AC where we have only 1 alternating polarity and 1 return wire.

2. This return power can be separated with diodes.  And the power can be used to do "real work". this part of one wire system where input is used just for disturbance in local environment and any power draw would not drain the input, but what the nature will pour into the system to balance.

In fact any size coil where pulsed DC is injected at high frequency will lead to OU from collapsing of magnetic field and generation of bemf.
Hi floor.  I still have the poly phase setup intact so I will test that tonight and report back.

As far as the other comments regarding collapsing fields, they should really get their own thread. This thread is not about flyback
Ok floor..  Battery replaced with 8 ohm resistor.  Same effect.

I think this can be built VERY Simply..  There should be no need for so many phases.  I think I only need 2 phases, 90 degrees apart with square waves, and series the outputs.  I bet it will do the same thing..  Then I get my transformers back to use on the output!
Now to the original Figuera and the missing part!

The output electromagnets CAN NOT ground to the supply ground like the patent suggests..  They MUST ground to the other side of the output circuit that is calling for energy...

The output circuit MUST be isolated from the source.  

"  but in no case is there any communication between the induced coil and the inductor coil  "

Only now can both output EL-magnet series be grounded into each-other.  One row is calling for power, as the other is giving it power.  The system harmonizes.

The only input requirement is the energy to excite the primary circuit.  The isolated output circuit remains in harmony, giving everything it induces directly to the other side that is looking for that power.

Thank you.
Regarding the last post of the original Figuera design..  

These are more of my thoughts:

2 waves 90 degrees out of phase (or single polarity waves 180 degrees out of phase ((Same Thing))  )  should be fed into 2 separate transformers.  The secondary's should be tied together to create 1 wave.  

Now in my videos, I can run several DC to DC converters or transformers with the output wave ..   And I think it shown I can use the output current repeatedly. But I think Voltage-Drop is still occurring.  As you saw, I connect 2 and the output goes UP but does not double.  Connect 3, output goes up 1/2 as much as it did when I added 2.  I predict that when I keep adding, the gain will get less and less as the available voltage diminishes.  It is missing the component that gives the Voltage back...

The missing piece has to be the Figuera Triplets..  They utilize the magnetic field from the induction process to return the voltage potential that we took to the other side. SO now we can use the current again and again while also getting the Voltage-Drop back.

My first drawing shows a terminal between the 2 secondary's. But I am not totally sure about that.  I will need to test all this in the upcoming days. It may or may not be necessary.


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