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Jim Mac's Figuera Thread
Buenos días, alguien me puede explicar que pasa en este vídeo:
1) What are Amps and Volts ?? 2) What role does iron play in this experiment ?? 3) If we start from classical physics or chemistry, to try to explain what happens, what conclusion do we come to ??? 4) Is the iron in the transformer core the secondary or does it assume that role in the absence of a secondary coil ??? 5) If so, is the iron that supplies the amps, that is, if iron is excited in a suitable way it is capable of creating a movement of its molecules and these molecules are capable of creating Amps, this is shown to us in a clear and without a doubt video.
Iron has its place. As we discussed before, I believe it enhances the magnetic field and gives a path. 

I really have not much interest in what classical physics tells us. So I can't really comment on that. 

I really want to get back to a commutator build instead of electronics. So I just purchased equipment that hopefully I could Master to make intricate commutators. 

We will see any upcoming days if I could build something good.
good luck with your idea!!
(02-03-2025, 12:16 PM)Jim Mac Wrote: Iron has its place. As we discussed before, I believe it enhances the magnetic field and gives a path. 

I really have not much interest in what classical physics tells us. So I can't really comment on that. 

I really want to get back to a commutator build instead of electronics. So I just purchased equipment that hopefully I could Master to make intricate commutators. 

We will see any upcoming days if I could build something good.

Hi jim check this out

We must utilise this energy

Back emf is driving force in Figuera

Each time “interaptor” interrupt feed to coil it directs emf in correct current direction into opposing coil 
This repeat on each revolution of commutator 
The bigger the puls the stronger emf 

My mind is imagining this simulation 

Like you said Jim it needs new commutator 
From two parts one resistive load as per Figuera patent and second on the same shaft to split ends of coils - this commutator would require possibility of angular adjustment to hit sweet spot 
This then should work regardless if there is load or not

Let’s try it !!
(02-04-2025, 05:41 AM)Lasco Wrote: Hi jim check this out

We must utilise this energy

Back emf is driving force in Figuera

Each time “interaptor” interrupt feed to coil it directs emf in correct current direction into opposing coil 
This repeat on each revolution of commutator 
The bigger the puls the stronger emf 

My mind is imagining this simulation 

Like you said Jim it needs new commutator 
From two parts one resistive load as per Figuera patent and second on the same shaft to split ends of coils - this commutator would require possibility of angular adjustment to hit sweet spot 
This then should work regardless if there is load or not

Let’s try it !!

I thought about this today, and it's an intriguing way to use Flyback.  But wouldn't this make the whole shrinking scheme useless?  If we just open the circuit when it is shrinking, one side is growing in steps, when the other side just collapses.

I think it's good though that we both try our ideas.  It is obvious there is a hidden key or some information not disclosed.
I think it's good though that we both try our ideas.  It is obvious there is a hidden key or some information not disclosed.

There must be a way to crack it 
Check this out

I think it starts making the sense

Just adding some thoughts 
It is rough drawing and timing of three commutators on the same shaft
T1 is starting time T2 is half time and T1 again is one revolution of all commutators including “G”
Some pictures        
Sorry to butt in on the matter. In my opinion there is a controversy between the concept of back electromotive force (Back EMF) and extra electromotive force, this issue is very common and in general it is not clear which is one and which is the other, but it is necessary to review the classic concepts at a school level. Figuera was a professor of Physics and Chemistry and must have known something about the subject in order to apply it to his machine with satisfactory results according to the report on the implementation of his patent and his explanation of where his machine extracted its energy, he said: from a continuous vibratory movement of the molecules of the components of his machine and he emphasized that it did not come from the atmosphere.

Perdon por inmiscuirme en el asunto.En mi opinión existe una controversia entre el concepto de fuerza contraelectromotriz ( Back EMF ) y fuerza extraelectromotriz, este asunto es muy común y en general no está claro, cuál es una y otra, pero hay qué repasar los conceptos clásicos a nivel escolar. Figuera fue profesor de Física y Química y algo debía de saber del asunto para poder aplicarlo en su máquina con resultado satisfactorio según el informe de puesta en práctica de su patente y su explicación de dónde extraía la energía su máquina, él decía: de un movimiento vibratorio y continuo de las moléculas de los componentes de su máquina y hacia hincapié en que no procedía de la atmósfera.
We seem to have 3 different ideas for "Where the energy comes from".

Lasco-  seems to think the energy comes from Back-EMF or Flyback.

Escumo-  seems to think the energy comes from the Iron

And I -  I think energy CAN and IS created during induction.

All angles should be explored.  And we each have our own threads on this forum to share our thoughts, attempts, failures, and successes.

Also, there is another thread dedicated to Figuera discussion and opinions here-  

This thread we are posting in now is my "Build Thread" and Progress Log.  If one has something different to present or has a different operational theory, Please post it in your own topic OR in the general Figuera discussion thread linked above.

If one would like to ask questions on my theory, build or discuss nuances / refinement thereof,  then this is the right place. 

On a side note, I just received my Metal Melting pot and Crucible kit.  I am going to try to cast a resistive alloy ring to take the place of the commutator and resistor in 1 unit.  If I can succeed as creating this resistive ring that a brush rides on, it would ultimately be a commutator that has infinite contacts, resulting in a perfectly smooth growing and shrinking wave with absolutely no steps or jumps.

Also this would allow me to rotate the resistive ring instead of rotating the brushes.  I would think maintaining solid contact would be much easier when the brushes are mounted still and sturdy rather than whipping around.
hi Jim

I'm sorry about going into your builder's thread.

I got carried away with ideas and wanted to rub in on our community 

Please Accept my apology      This thread slowed down we need to push it somehow

on another note, I'm interested in your approach and keeping my fingers crossed

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