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Clemente Figuera Discussion and Opinions
(07-02-2024, 01:09 PM)feb_have you run it yet?do you have any results? Wrote:
(06-30-2024, 04:15 PM)kloakez Wrote: Hi feb_,

the equations in the document you sent are for magnetic flux density inside the electormagnet. In the drawing you sent, I assume the wire is supposed to go through air, which has high magnetic flux resistance. With 5.7 mT in the core there will probably be negligent magnetic flux going through the wire in the air gap. I managed to create a 600 mT field in a 2.5 cm air gap at DC, but at 50 Hz AC I cannot get as high, it vibrates too much. I managed to do it with a silicon steel C-core, with 4 coils with 860 turns of wire connected in parallel, and about 3A. The C-C core pair has two legs, and when I made the air gap by putting the cores 2.5 cm apart, I filled one of the legs with ferromagnetic material to lower the magnetic flux resistance. If I manage to hold the magnetic cores in place somehow, I can try to put a wire through and do a measurement. But in general, if the air gap between electromagnets is half of the diameter (or the smaller of a rectangular-shaped magnetic core), the magnetic field in the air gap should be homogenous.

I already made a simulation of a bunch of 100 wires going through 7 pairs of electromagnets and the results were not spectacular. It is true though that I made the magnets long, bar-like and they were facing the wire with the smallest face, orienting them lengthwise like in your picture could be worth trying.

The air gap should be as small as possible if the diameter of the wire is e.g. 1 mm then the gap can be 1 mm just so you can fit the wires.

(06-30-2024, 05:30 PM)Lasco Wrote: Hello Feb
Would you be able to share the link for this patents?
“Solarlab” ?

EEG_EM_New_Technique_TRANSVERSE_FLUX (TF) (Provisional Patent Applied for)


Two flat coils betwen two U cores.

one between each leg
(07-03-2024, 02:51 PM)kloakez Wrote: That looks cool, does it work?

Proved that you get sine wave(s) out. Needs a better signal generator and more turns on the in coil(s). Have made a new out coil that is wound like a 8, to be tested.

You have to wrap like an 8 or the legs cancels out, if you have only one out coil connected to both legs.
It's like when Figuera fills up one side with current and at the same time drains the other side so that the out coil doesn't cancels out.

out coil doesn't cancels out

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Why do New Reply geting added to my old message ?

now it didn't

now it did ?
(07-04-2024, 03:26 AM)feb_ Wrote: Why do New Reply geting added to my old message ?

now it didn't

now it did ?

maybe by accident you clicked "edit" instead of "reply"?
If you click edit you gett the old message to edit, not when you click New Reply.
Edit goes away after 30 min New Reply adds to old message within som time ? if the last message is yours.

and you get the line

test test test
(07-04-2024, 09:29 AM)feb_ Wrote: If you click  edit you gett the old message to edit, not when you click New Reply.
Edit goes away after 30 min New Reply adds to old message within som time ? if the last message is yours.

and you get the line

test test test

see if you can repeat it.  I have not noticed this and I post after my old post almost immediately often
Floyd Sweet got his Space Quanta Modulator to work when he oriented the coils perpendicularly.

"Lab Notes - Floyd Sweet 0006"
"Excitation Coils were orientated at 90 degrees from the Power Coils"

I think the magnets were to lower the inductance like in a magnetic amplifier.
impedance not inductance.

The mag amp is a sort of variable choke. It controls the impedance (opposition) to alternating current in a coil by controlling the magnetic condition of the core on which the coil is wound. This is done by energizing another winding on the core called a control coil.

I think Sweet used the magnets as control coil
I've seen the 90 degrees apart coils in the Energy from vacuum series where Bedini tells his part of the story with Floyd Sweet. Have you seen that video? You can find it on youtube.

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