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Im in the belief that if we have a toroid transformer, 100 turns on one side and 100 turns on the other side, that is we apply an ac current in the primary, that only the windings that are in the hole of the toroid are interacting with eachother, not much of the sides of each coil or the outer side of each coil.. It all mostly happens in the middle hole.. Most of the windings of each coil are just added resistance..

Lets say we have 100 turns, 10in dia air core.. If we only induce 2in of that coil on its circumference of 31.4in, and the driver coil has 100 turns, what would be our output of the 10in coil if we input 10vac? 10v? Well what if we induce another 2in section of the 31.4in circumference winding with another 100 turn coil with the same 10vac.. Another section of the 10in coil say half way around or 1/4 way around. Somewhere not near the first coil, just to say they do not interfere with one another.. Now, 2 10vac induction points on the 10in coil.... What is the output of the 10in coil now? Will those 2 10vac induced sections add up to 20v output from the 10in coil? Like 2 10v batteries in series? How about 8 driver coils? Hubbard?

Have you ever heard of " Magnetic field shaping" ? I ask objectively , where is the strongest point on a magnet ? As far as it's field. Please don't take this wrong but is there a possibility that Tinman is some what misleading? Views equal money. My opinion is the concept as he shows is not going to work. How do you neutralize the field an use the polarity to your advantage? If you feel I posted this in the wrong place please feel free to move it where it might make others think about magnetic field shaping .
Dropping this link to further demonstrate induction and Lenz...
Where is the energy free at? Sorry bad english... I know energy is cost money, where is getting free???
To reduced cogging I suggest the Mueller generator with odd/even cols and magnets.
I have a bolt/magnet setup that demonstrates the reduced cogging. Norman
Hola que tal, buen día. Soy Ingeniero, y llevo más de 23 años Diseñando, experimentando y Desarrollando diferentes versiones de Dispositivos TransGeneradores de Energía Eléctrica Sustentable Autónomos. Comencé con máquinas burdas, pero gradualmente las evolucioné. Ahora trabajo con Impresoras 3D para fabricar cada vez mejores partes mecánicas. He logrado un Dispositivo con Movimiento Continuo. Estoy buscando colegas y socios para escalar este Dispositivo. Pronto publicaré fotos y videos de mis últimos Avances. Soy de México. Por si a alguien es de su interés este Proyecto mi correo es

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