01-24-2024, 04:06 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2024, 04:52 PM by kloakez.)
Hello everyone, I have been working on a patent that to me looks very similar to the Figuera way of generating electricity (thread here). I tried to simulate the device according to the patent and it doesn't seem to be generating much using a square wave, but when I used sinusoidal excitation (like in Figuera), I started having some output.
So I was thinking - how does the N-S solenoid with a output coil combo works? How does it generate electricity? I doubt there is some obscure force they knew about back then. In the patents that use solenoids to generate electricity they never use any ethereal language, it is all plain and simple rethinking of a generator powered by mechanic force that is redesigned to simulate the mechanic movement using electric and magnetic fields. So let's assume for now that it is possible to make a working Figuera generator and that it is possible to simulate.
Here I will post configurations that I found plausible for the N, S, and y coils from the Figuera patent and their simulations and performace. These are just my interpretation but I will be glad for any insights you might have.
I have created a simple simulation with two electromagnets (N and S from the patent) and one output coil with a 5 ohm load. The cores are ANSI 1008, they are wound with 200 turns and with time-varying current I = 0.5 A should get the electromagnets to a strong enough magnetic field (1.2-1.5 T).
The electromagnets are excited by sinusoidal signal. The N by sin(2*pi*50*f) and the S by -sin(2*pi*f) and both signals are offset by the amplitude. This will create an excitation signal that will move current from N to S, with moments where only one of them is powered, as it stated in the Figuera patent. I have not noticed any mention of polarity change so the signals are strictly positive (but that can be changed easily later). The N coil is wound clockwise and the S coil counter-clockwise (or rather they are wound the opposite way from each other).
PDF with the model is here
fig1.pdf (Size: 650.01 KB / Downloads: 24)
I apologize for the quality of the images and everything, I hope the results are somewhat visible, I don't have much time to polish things at the moment.
Experiments - So this is the baseline, it is not great and surely can be improved upon. At this moment I don't care about excess power, so I will just bring the electromagnets to 1.2-1.5T whatever current is needed. And will try to modify the y-coil configuration to see if a better output can be obtained. As far as I am concerned the only real question is the y-coil, which is not properly described.
List of experiments I'd like to try:
1. y-coil aligned with the electromagnets - this experiment
2. y-coil perpendicular to the electromagnets
3. several N-S pairs and y-coils in series as the induced current in one coil can help induce more current in the other
4. try the excitation with alternating current with both polarities.
Sure Jim, after all that is what the simulation software is for, try before you buy, haha.
I will do my best, however I am still quite new with the software so it may take me longer and there may be mistakes, but it would be cool to see how the simulation compares to a real build.
A while back I tried a few of my wild ass guesses at Figuera's devices with respect to TF.
Included them below just for laughs! Don't get me wrong, I believe using CAE in an attempt
at analyzing Figuera's patents is a really good approach - but obviously I personally have no
concept as to how his devices work Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images. Pretty sure we're on the right path however!
01-24-2024, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 01-24-2024, 11:03 PM by Jim Mac.)
Sweet Kloakez. And thanks SL for posting that past works!
So what I want to do is take 2 power sources. Caps or batteries for now. And 2 H-bridges.
Each H bridge grounds to the opposite battery from the hot feed.
The H bridges flipping polarities at a normal frequency (say 60 or 100 Hz) but they are out of phase by exactly 90 degrees.
The H bridges powering 2 transformers, and the secondary's in series.
We can try the transformers individual and in series outputs, and perhaps even try the figuera triplets in this.
The theory is, any current that enters the negative terminal of a battery must come out the positive. In a standard AC induction system, the induced current of the secondary mutually induces the primary to send the reciprocal current into the negative of the source, which comes out the positive when the circuit is not calling for that energy at that time.
The hope is that when 1 phase is returning that energy to the negative, the other phase is demanding energy at the exact same time. So when the current exit's the positive terminal of the battery, it feeds the 2nd phase.
It may need the figuera triplets to get the potential addition, because I think the triplets could induce extra voltage with that current so it acts like placing 2 batteries in series, thus causing the voltage to add.
but it's a good start with the transformers to see what we are looking at.
The circuit is actually more complex and requires wireless communication because of the lack of a common ground in this system. But I have the parts coming.
If you are able to simulate this, I would be very grateful.
Edit- The reason for the 2 batteries and not 1, is that it is imperative that the 2 separate circuits have separate grounds. Under no circumstance can the 2 grounds be tied together.
01-25-2024, 12:19 AM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 12:21 AM by solarlab.)
Hi Jim,
Let me see if I can briefly explain the two major differences between Maxwell AEDT and a typical
Circuit Simulator such as MicroCAP or Microsim.
AEDT is geared towards Electromagnetic analysis, that is, the physical structure of devices like
coils, waveguides, microstrip layouts, etc - at low frequencies (HFSS is used for RF and Microwave
structure) using primarily a 3D, so called, mesh that encompasses the entire "space" in which the
structures, including the air (or vacuum). This Mesh is typically made up of thousands or millions
of Tetrahedral's. As the Electromagnetic (EM) wave propagates this "space" Maxwell's Equations
are used to determine what energy the various pieces of the structure will "receive," or what
energy will reflect or propagate and in what directions.
It's handy when analyzing things like coil or pole coupling, even at a distance, since Maxwell's
Equations are agnostic with respect to excess energy systems - it doesn't care what "goes-in"
nor what "goes-out." It just analyzes the wave energy as it moves throught the structure.
Maxwell, however, doesn't do well with things like H-Bridges or other lumped components. Maybe
Twin-Builder or Simplorer might provide a work-around (but I'm not familiar enough with them to
know - but it should be possible based on their propaganda).
Circuit Simulators are typically based on a SPICE scheme which means they are geared toward
typically analysis of Hardware Component interconnections, or "lumped" circuits composed
of resistors, capacitors, inductors and spice characterized solid state devices.
One drawback of spice circuit simulators is they employ the likes of Kirchoff's Laws which
basically means the components connected into a complete "circuit" must balance out,
like in Ohm's Law [V = I X R]. By it's nature a circuit simulator would not allow excess energy.
There may be ways around this short comming such as S-Parameter blocks, and such, but
the problem could get out-of-hand rapidly. As one example; the coupling coefficient between
the Primary and Secondary of a Transformer in a Spice Model is capped at 99.99%, in other
words, you can not get more energy out of a transformer than you put in when using a
typical Spice based Circuit Simulator.
So, unfortunately trying to analyze or simulate the configuration you describe might be
problematic at best, or impossible at worst.
However there might be work-arounds that I'm missing here - so let me think on it!
The light at the end of the tunnel might be the fact that the two Transformers in your
diagram could possibly be considered as constructed of four seperate isolated coil windings.
It's been a while since I used a circuit simulator, let me think on it a bit more.
Mmmmm ??? -- another beer please! Sorry for the long winded ramble...
Thanks Solar Lab. I get that. We are trying to disprove the "Laws" but the simulation software may have the adherence of these "Laws" hardcoded into their inner workings.
As you say, maybe there is a walk-around. But no need to stress it. Even though it requires investments to build, I still like to see these things in action on the bench..
I'm actively avoiding using circuit simulations in my experiments for the reasons stated. If you put too much faith in them they might cause you to abandon a particular path if the simulator results aren't great.
They are fine when building regular circuits, e.g. MOSFET driver, PWM controller etc. I wouldn't put much faith in the results simulating a capacitor discharge into an inductor, for example. Especially if you have a more exotic setup, like multiple coils in the vicinity that are open circuit.
01-25-2024, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 02:47 PM by solarlab.)
Hi Ifarrand,
My post above, although very brief, hopefully outlined the two basic differences between
Electromagnetic Simulators (such as AEDT Maxwell & HFSS) and the typical SPICE based
Circuit Simulators (such as the now free MicroCAP and NI's Microsim).
Unfortunately neither one will do the Engineering Design for you but they can be helpful
when you need to do design work that would be almost impossible without them.
For example; trying to analyze a device employing the Transvere Flux phenomena
would be nearly impossible using Analytics (mathematic formulas) whereas Numerics,
with a 3D Graphics interface, provides very accurate results. Many papers attached to
the EE-TFG discussions bare this out.
But you're right, you have to know the circuits you are analyzing and their basic
characteristics when evaluating what simulation results are given.
Much like a Digital (sampling) Oscilloscope; if your sample rate is wrong, your results
will not make any sense. On the other hand, there's no real alternative to a good Scope;
if you understand and observe it's capabilities.
Like most good "Tools," you just have to know their limits. I do have to disagree a bit
however - the more complex the circuit is - the more you will probably need a simulator.
At least that's been my experience - I'd have a hard time developing a circuit with 20
transistors and gates and 100's of other components in a tightly packed chassis without
the aid of modern simulators. But then again, that might be just me!
Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a "Simulator Debate," so I'll just leave it there.
01-25-2024, 05:00 PM (This post was last modified: 01-25-2024, 05:15 PM by solarlab.)
CORRECTION Re: Circuit (SPICE type) Simulators
A recent PM pointed me to an experienced researcher/developer who published a very educational
Video that he put together using a Circuit Simulator (an on-line; apparently Spice type) where
an Excess Energy Output is clearly visible and present. Thanks ovun987.
Therefore, I will have to re-think my views regarding Circuit Simulators and adjust my knowledge
accordingly - it seems, at least so far, on it's face:
Excess Energy circuits CAN BE SIMULATED using a Circuit type Simulator.
Thus, I stand corrected...
My Sincere Appologies.
Although I haven't actually asked Kurt for permission to post his video link
it is on Youtube so I'm guessing it's OK:
From: "kirtsvids" Part 18 !!! Akula / Kapanadze Experiments: Magical Moment.. in theory Guests cannot see images in the messages. Please register at the forum by clicking here to see images. Enjoy !