Brad's video was made 11 years ago. But he pointed to this video as a major part of the operation. Watch closely, notice the magnet is stationary.
Brad's Video
And his big clue-
"But as a bit of a hint, the magnet motor ( i have no name for yet), works by neutralizing the magnetic fields of apposing magnets at a certain point, and then flipping to repulsion mode once the rotor magnets have passed !what we will call! TDC."
So use that video idea and incorporate the polarity flip.
Opposing polarities are unlike poles that attract. Where they usually stick at TDC. But if TDC is aligned with the blotch wall of the magnet, TDC gets "Neutralized" as the bolt is aligned with half North and half South. I predict there will still be some unwanted forces there, but they will be stifled out for the most part. While allowing the attraction and repulsion bolts to dominate.
One thing to keep in mind- these bolts need to be engulfed in a real strong field. You can test by bringing a repelling magnet close. If you feel a slight repulsion but the magnet still wants to stick to the metal easily, then you need to strengthen the field affecting those bolts. These bolts need to act like magnets and repel.
Look at brad's wheel. Notice the magnet cut out. He needed some plastic meat to hold the bolt (the rim) but that magnet can get right up there real close to the bolt metal threads. And there is good reason to believe there is another magnet cut out on the underside to really magnetize those bolts heavily.
There are many thoughts and ideas that will pop into out heads on alternate ways and possible modifications. Some may be valid. But I have to refrain from altering at this junction. Once I see a "self-runner" I am more than willing to explore easier of more effective design changes.
Brad's quote- "From past experience, people tend to stray from precise instructions given, which results in a failed build.
So this time i have chosen just 1 person to replicate the motor."
For the record, I am working to figure out BRAD's Motor. This is not my invention and I am also not claiming the ideas presented came from my own intuition. All the credit goes to others. And ATM I do NOT have a working motor.
Brad is also discussing in-depth knowledge and teachings over at OUR, which should be followed and absorbed.